1V italijanski Faenzi se je zaključil festival podvodnega filma in videa. Razpis smo objavili med novicami, oktobra 2004. Objavljamo (neprevedeno) obvestilo organizatorja in rezultate:

Good Evening everybody,

Awaiting the official Jury s communication , we have the pleasure to send you the final result of the 3rd Town of Faenza Underwater Video Trophy which this year numbered 26 movies in competition:

1st place Enzo Cicognani (ITALY) with L invisibile popolo del fango
2nd place Peter Gavora (SLOVAKIA) with Operation Hailstone
3rd place Danny Van Belle (BELGIUM) with The world of gastropods

The official response with the Jury s comment, will be sent in the next few days.
We congratulate all of you on the results and we kindly ask you to confirm us your intention to personally participate in the Prize-giving Ceremony on February the 12th.
On the contrary, we kindly recommend you to tell us a postal adress where to send the prizes won.

See you soon! Best Regards and Congratulations again!

Andrea Giulianini


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