1Ob 25. obletnici organizacije DAN Europa (www.daneurope.org) bo 7. septembra 2008 v Gradcu v Avstriji organiziran celodnevni dogodek DAN divers day , kamor so vabljeni vsi rekreacijski potapljači vabljleni na srečanje.Na ta dan bodo v veliki predavalnici Univerzitetne klinike predstavljena zadnja spoznanja glede potapljanja v zvezi s Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO), kronično obstrukcijsko pljučno boleznijo (KOPB), dekompresijsko boleznijo (DCS), globinskimi postanki, letenje po potapljanju, ženske in potapljanje, otroci in potapljanje …

Udeležba je brezplačna toda predhodna registracija je zaželjena.


Objavljamo neprevedeno obvestilo:

DAN Divers Day in Graz, Austria on September 7th 2008.
In 2008 Divers Alert Network (DAN) celebrates its 25th anniversary.

For this reason, DAN Europe is happy to announce a DAN Divers Day in Graz, Austria, a full-day event offered free of charge to attendees. The goal of DAN Divers Days has always been to address safer diving through education with DAN.

Speakers for this event are internationally known DAN area directors and DAN diving medicine experts. They will present dive safety, diving medicine, and other dive-related topics of interest to the scuba diving community in the main auditorium at the Graz University Hospital.

Lectures will be given in English (probably with simultaneously translation into German and also into Italian).
DAN Europe invites all recreational divers, dive guides, diving instructors, search and rescue personnel, underwater photographers, diving physicians and other interested individuals to attend.

Preliminary topics:

* Fitness to Dive: PFO and obstructive lung diseases – whats new ?
* The Economy of Decompression: do deep stops make diving profiles safer ?
* The Economy of Decompression: can certain physiological factors and medicaments improve recreational diving safety ?
* Flying After Diving: is it still a problem ?
* Women and Diving: an update
* Children and Diving: do we need a different approach ?

A detailed program and online application form will be published soon.

Participation in the DAN Divers Day is free of charge, but registration will be required (not open yet)

Kind regards,

Your DAN Europe team

The key mission of DAN Europe is to make diving ever safer. Knowing the diving safety rules and keeping constantly updated about the most recent advances is a must for every professional as well as recreational diver. This is why DAN Europe has started a regular e-mail information service on diving safety and medical meetings. Depending on the characteristics of each single event, DAN Europe will either inform the divers in the interested geographical or linguistic regions, or the information will be provided nationally and internationally.