12 – 22 of FEBRUARY 2005
Palazzo delle Esposizioni C.so Mazzini, 92 – Faenza – ItalyThe 27Th “TOWN OF FAENZA” INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION of UNDERWATER PHOTOS and VIDEOS, will be opened on February the 12th at 10,30 in the Rooms of Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Faenza. While the new Regulations 2005 are to be sent to press together with the Entry Form (we will send it to you during the following weeks) we would like to point out the dates and the most remarkable novelties of this year’s edition:

  • JANUARY THE 23rd 2005 – Expiry term for the entry of all works in competition.
  • JANUARY THE 30th 2005 – Jurors’ Meeting
  • FEBRUARY THE 12th 2005 – Opening of the Exhibition and Prize-giving
  • FEBRUARY THE 22nd 2005 – Assignment of “2005 Public Award” and Closing of the Exhibition

27th PRINTS COMPETITION: Divided into 2 categories Open and Amateurs only.
In the Open category authors must present a mini portfolio of 3 Prints composed by: 1 “wide-angle/marine environment” shot and 2 “macro pictures/close-up” shots.
At total of 5 prizes will be awarded: 1st Best portfolio – 2nd Best portfolio – 3rd Best portfolio and the best picture of the two themes (wide-angle/marine environment and macro pictures/close-up). The Authors of the Open category only participate in the 2005 FIPSAS Grand Trophy

In the Amateurs only category authors should present a maximum of 2 Prints: 1 “wide-angle/environment” shot and 1 “macro picture/close-up” shot.
A total of 6 prizes will be awarded: the first 3 classified pictures in the two foreseen themes (“wide-angle/marine environment” and “macro picture/close up”)

BEST DIGITAL PROCESSING COMPETITION: All authors regardless of category can participate in this competition:

  • In this section all pictures derived from the fantasy and creativity of the author and obtained by means of digital technology will be admitted.
  • The elaborated images will have to represent subjects and elements of the marine environment only.
  • Participants can present 1 single image in A4 size only.
  • 1st classified will be awarded.

2005 PUBLIC AWARD:It will be assigned after the closing of the Exhibition by means of a scrutiny of the preferences that will be given by the public during the Exhibition with a special preference-paper.

3rd UNDERWATER VIDEO COMPETITION: Divided into two categories Open and Amateurs only.

  • Each author can participate with a max. of 3 movies.
  • While accepting works with a max. duration of 20 minutes, shorter works will be better appreciated; in any case, underwater shooting must represent at least 50% of the entire movie duration.
  • Movies can be sent in the following video standards: VHS; Mini DV; Video CD; DVD Hi8; DVCAM.
  • The first three classified of both categories will be awarded.
  • The Authors of the Open category only participate in the 2005 FIPSAS Grand Trophy.

Any further detail will be specified in the Competition Regulations that you will receive within some weeks by means of E-mail and /or Priority Mail.

The Regulation, the Entry Form, all novelties 2005 and other news related to the 27th “Town of Faenza” Underwater Photos and Videos will be soon available on available on

The Members of Centro Sub Faenza, wait for you numerous!

For further information and/or ban request please contact: Andrea Giulianini e-mail: info@andreagiulianini.it