qa2006 Hockey championships invite


Graham Henderson
World Tournament Director
CMAS Underwater Hockey Commission
fax: +61396704308
mobile: +61418151787

Hello Underwater Hockey Friends,

This email is to let you know that the World Underwater Hockey Championships will be held in Sheffield, UK in August 2006. This will be the Largest World Championship ever held for Underwater Hockey, In case you didn’t know the championships are broken into 2 divisions.

Division 1 consists of all the teams that have previously placed in the top 8 from the last World Championships.

Division 2 consists of all the teams that have not placed in the 8 or have not participated before in a world’s

If you have not participated before this is a wonderful opportunity to gain experience and learn the skills to raise the standard of hockey in your county. We have had a number of new countries express interest to be in the competition and as it will be in Europe; this will make it easier for a number of countries to take part.

Our Commission welcomes new countries to our championships and experience in playing hockey is certainly not a pre-requisite. All countries must start somewhere and this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn, play and make new friends within our sport, whilst having a great trip away with your friends. Also you have 2 full years to plan this hockey trip of a lifetime.

We will be running coaching and refereeing courses during the championships, so this will be an opportunity you will not want to miss to further establish Underwater Hockey in your country. If you have any questions please contact me at the email address above or visit the commission website at

I look forward to seeing you in the UK in 2006